
give me the courage
to bathe in the honeyed rays
of this moment soon not to be;
to take a bite without hesitation
from the most delicately-sweet fruit
without expectation nor remorse
should it be the last

give me the power
as the nectar trails down my chin
to remember your absence properly -
in the sticky remnants of the past
may all the joy not be tainted
by the duplicitous hand of nostalgia
turning all things bittersweet

give me the strength
as a drop finds her way to the ground
not to hold on to the things i love;
to allow them to blossom, bloom,
and break apart in the air
their perfume finding my nostrils
from my upturned palm

give me the chance
as the memory of a scent lingers on
to give the songs of passion voice;
let them bristle up from my diaphragm
and bursting forth, hang in
the ever-poignant air between us
no moment of love left unspoken

give me the wisdom
as absence burns across my lips like ice
to see the truth of the world -
all things are always ending.
and may i count myself lucky
in this moment already gone
to be ending with you